Tuesday, December 16, 2008

St. Marys Live Nativity

Tonight we had a busy family night that started at Chick fil a.  It was kids night and Santa was there to see & visit with everyone.  After eating dinner with our friends we headed downtown for the live nativity.  Our friends the McNeils were the holy family so we definitely had to see them.  Their baby Jackson who is 7 months old was baby Jesus and he did a great job!!  The nativity was complete with live animals that the girls really enjoyed watching.  They told the whole nativity story and played beautiful Christmas music in between each showing.  It was really special and I am so glad that we live in a town that proudly displays its Christian heritage.

Orange Hall at Christmas (future sight of Ava or Bryce's wedding reception, ha ha!!)

The girls bundled up for the show.

Mary, Joseph, & baby Jesus  (April, John, & Jackson)

Ava & her daddy

Nicole & Emma practicing her sorority picture pose!!

The nativity with the animals

Merry Christmas!!!!!

This is random, I know, but I just got so cracked up at Brycie.  After her bath she just had to have her purse to carry around while she was naked.  And who says accessories aren't important!!!!!!! 

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